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Benefits of cloves with honey on an empty stomach for sex for men and women

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Benefits of cloves with honey on an empty stomach for sex for men and women

Many scientific researches have proven that the benefits of cloves with honey on an empty stomach for sex are amazing for both women and men in particular, due to the high nutritional value, and this mixture is used in the treatment of many sexual diseases, such as: poor ovulation, premature ejaculation, etc., and here are the most important details .

Benefits of cloves with honey on an empty stomach for sex

Cloves are distinguished among many natural herbs with their rare properties and composition in promoting blood circulation to the genitals, especially when added to natural honey, which gives the following benefits :

  •  Increasing the feeling of activity and sexual desire as a result of the increase in the rate of testosterone secretion for men .
  • It contributes greatly to getting rid of premature ejaculation caused by fear and anxiety during the intimate relationship between the spouses .
  • One of the best benefits of cloves with honey on an empty stomach for sex for men is erection for as long as possible, and for this it is considered an alternative and safe solution to Viagra pills .
  • It can be used topically on the male genital organ at least an hour before sexual intercourse, to maintain sexual performance .
  • It increases the rate of sperm production that is important in the fertilization process, because it is a rich source of vitamin E , amino acids, and natural proteins .

Benefits of cloves for sex for women

There are many questions among women about the benefits of cloves with honey on an empty stomach for sex and fertility, the most prominent of which are :

  • Gradually enhancing sexual desire and getting rid of frigidity .
  • Improving ovulation and fertility in women who suffer from hormonal disorders and polycystic ovaries .
  • It greatly helps in pregnancy because it increases the level of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone .
  • Some doctors prescribe it in cases of severe infertility, and when performing the fertilization of eggs and microscopic pregnancy .
  • Preferably diluted with coconut or almond oil And paint on the sensitive area to facilitate access to orgasm .
  • A similar result can be obtained from the benefits of honey with black seed on an empty stomach for sex instead of cloves for people suffering from stomach infections .

How to use cloves and honey for sexual health

Cloves can be used in different ways, and each of them gives the same result in treating sexual intercourse and fertility problems in both sexes, the most prominent of which are :

  • Soak 40 grams of raw cloves on a 200-gram package of original mountain honey, and eat one tablespoon every day on a regular basis .
  • The maximum benefits of cloves with honey can be obtained on an empty stomach for sex when mixed with a glass of warm milk daily .
  • Putting fine clove powder on coffee drinks, food spices, salads, and grills .
  • It should be noted that cloves lose their benefits when exposed to high temperatures during cooking, and therefore it is recommended to use them cold .
  • Some people ask about the benefit of honey on an empty stomach for sex compared to its description as cloves. There is no difference between them, except that cloves give you remarkable positive results in a short period .

Top frequently asked questions 

How many cloves are allowed per day?

Alternative medicine doctors and natural herbalists indicated that three to four sticks of cloves should be eaten on a daily basis, as excessive consumption in the long term leads to relaxation of the cells of the nervous system and other health problems .

Is clove a stimulant?

Yes, various medical sources confirmed that cloves contain natural stimulants for men and women, which support erection strength and sexual desire more than usual .

The benefits of cloves with honey on an empty stomach for sex are innumerable, as its importance lies in its natural components, vitamins and minerals included in its composition, and its long-term therapeutic results, so do not hesitate to use it, provided that you do not exceed the specified daily dose .

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